Mud-roading Cuthbert – The Videos

A belated Happy New Year for 2018!  Over the Christmas chill-out, Marcus ‘Spielberg‘ Tuck has put together some more video stuff from our 2017 moochings around South America in Cuthbert. Four short videos including the mega-adventure double-feature-set of mud-roads through the Amazon jungle, hiking through Colombia’s towering wax-palms and a super-moon setting at dawn.

First ‘proper’ blog of 2018 coming soon, but in the meantime… get your popcorn, sit back and enjoy the show 🙂  

Cuthbert across the Amazon – July 2017. Brazil’s infamous BR-319 mud road: over 850km from Manaus to Porto Velho. At the end of the wet season, a bit of winching and towing was required (click here for the blog story)

Cuthbert across Guyana – July 2017. A long, slow drive dodging pot-holes and some rather ‘iffy’ sections through the jungle and southern plains of Guyana (click here for the blog story)

Cocora Valley – December 2017. A hike through the stunning Cocora Valley of towering wax-palms, near Salento, Colombia.

Super-moon set at Sunrise – December 2017. Great drone footage of a super-moon setting at dawn in Aguadas, Colombia.